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来源:大气科学系 | 作者:凌思宁 | 发布日期:2023-09-12 14:25:38 



合作导师:曹杰 教授






2018.09–2023.06  中国科学院大气物理研究所  气象学  理学博士  导师:陆日宇 研究员    

2014.09–2018.07  太阳成集团  大气科学(菁英班理学学士 



2023.09–至今  太阳成集团  太阳集团7237网站  大气科学博士后    



[1]Ling S, Lu R*, et al. 2023: Interannual meridional displacement of upper tropospheric westerly jet over the western East Asia in summer[J]. Advances in Atmospheric Sciences, 40(7),1298−1308.      

[2]Ling S, and Lu R*. 2022: Warmer SSTs in the equatorial eastern Pacific delay the seasonal march of the Asian–Pacific summer monsoon onset. Journal of Climate, 35(23), 4253−4270. 

[3]Ling S, and Lu R*. 2022: Tropical cyclones over the western North Pacific strengthen the East Asia–Pacific pattern during summer. Advances in Atmospheric Sciences, 39(2), 249−259. 

[4]凌思宁, 陈卫*, 陆日宇, . 2021: 夏季长白山天池站降水量年际变化特征及其对应的环流异常[J]. 大气科学, 45(3): 499−512.   

[5]Li S, Li Z*, and Ling S. 2023: Combined effect of the solar activity and ENSO on the tropical cyclone genesis frequency in the southeastern part of western North Pacific[J]. Frontiers in Earth Science, 11: 1139699.    










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