| 作者:曹敏 | 发布日期:2021-09-17 10:05:49
简介 |
教育经历 |
2012.10—2016.12,西班牙巴塞罗那自治大学,环境科学与技术研究所,博士 2009.09—2012.06,西南大学,地理科学学院自然地理学,硕士 2005.09—2009.06,西南大学,地理科学学院 地理科学专业,学士 |
工作经历 |
2021.07—至今,太阳集团7237网站,讲师 2017.03—2021.01,西南大学,地理学流动站,博士后 |
主要科研项目 |
中央高校基本科研业务费面上项目, XDJK2020C013, 重庆中梁山岩溶洼地晚全新世PAHs 及环境变化记录,2020-01 至 2021-12,10 万元,在研,主持 岩溶环境重庆市重点实验室开放基金,岩溶槽谷区土壤微生物对土壤湿度变化的响应——以重庆北碚龙凤槽谷为例,2017.09 至 2019.09,5 万元,已结题,主持 |
主要科研成果 |
学术论文 1. Cao Min, Lei Jiaqi, He Qiufang, Zeng Ze, Lü Xianfu, Yongjun Jiang*. Rainfall-driven and hydrologically-controlled variations in cave CO2 sources and dynamics: Evidence from monitoring soil CO2, stream flow and cave CO2. Journal of Hydrology, 2021, 595, 126060.
2. Cao Min; Jiang Yongjun*; Chen Yu; Fan Jiaxin; He Qiufang. Variations of soil CO2 concentration and pCO2 in a cave stream on different time scales in subtropical climatic regime, Catena, 2020, 185:104280.
3. Cao Min; Wu Chao; Liu Jiuchan; Jiang Yongjun*. Increasing leaf δ13C values of woody plants in response to water stress induced by tunnel excavation in a karst trough valley: implication for improving water-use efficiency. Journal of Hydrology, 2020:124895.
4. Cao Min; Rivas-Ruiz Pedro; Trapote M.C.; Vegas-Vilarrúbia Teresa; Rull Valentí; Rosell-MeléAntoni *. Seasonal effects of water temperature and dissolved oxygen on the isoGDGT proxy (TEX86) in a Mediterranean oligotrophic lake. Chemical Geology, 2020, 119759.
5. Cao Min; Rueda Gemma; Rivas-Ruiz Pedro; Trapote M.C.; Henriksen Mona; VegasVilarrúbia Teresa; Rosell-Melé Antoni*. Branched GDGT variability in sediments and soils from catchments with marked temperature seasonality, Organic Geochemistry, 2018, 122: 98-114.
6. Łącka Magdalena; Cao Min; Rosell-Melé Antoni; Pawłowska Joanna; Kucharska Małgorzata; Forwick Matthias; Zajączkowski Marek.Postglacial paleoceanography of the western Barents Sea: Implications for alkenone-based sea surface temperatures and primary productivity, Quaternary Science Reviews, 2019, 224(15), 105973.
7. Jiang Yongjun; Cao Min; Yuan Daoxian; Zhang Yuanzhu; He Qiufang. Hydrogeological characterization and environmental effects of the deteriorating urban karst groundwater in a karst trough valley: Nanshan, SW China, Hydrogeology Journal, 2018, 163 (27): 1-11.
8. Zhang Yuanzhu; Jiang Yongjun; Yuan Daoxian; Cui Jian; Li Yong; Yang John; Cao Min. Source and flux of anthropogenically enhanced dissolved inorganic carbon: A comparative study of urban and forest karst catchments in Southwest China. Science of The Total Environment, 2020, 725, 138255.
9. Lü Xianfu; He Qiufang; Wang Zhijun; Cao Min; Zhao Jingyao; Jiang Jianjian; Zhao Ruiyi; Zhang Hong. Calcium carbonate precipitation mediated by bacterial carbonic anhydrase in a karst cave: Crystal morphology and stable isotopic fractionation. Chemical Geology. 2019, 530. 119331.
10. LüYuxiang; Jiang Yongjun; Hu Wei; Cao Min; Mao Yang. A review of the effects of tunnel excavation on the hydrology, ecology, and environment in karst areas: current status, challenges, and perspectives. Journal of Hydrology, 586, 124891.
学术会议 2014 年 04 月,奥地利维也纳,EGU 会议,展板 2015 年 07 月,日本名古屋,INQUA 会议,展板 2017 年 10 月,杭州,第九届全国环境化学大会,展板 2018 年 06 月,上海,第七届地质微生物学学术研讨会,展板 2018 年 10 月,南京,第五届青年地学论坛,口头报告 2018 年 11 月,武汉,岩溶科学青年论坛,展板 2018 年 10 月,重庆,中日韩地理学国际研讨会,口头报告 2019 年 04 月,奥地利维也纳,EGU 会议,口头报告 |