Dr. Tang Min, Lecturer
Research interest: Biomineralization, Isotopic geochemistry.
E-mail: mtang@ynu.edu.cn
Address: R1409, School of Earth Science, Yunnan University, Kunming 650500, China.
Education background and Working experience:
Ocean University of China, B. Sc.
Tongji University, Ms. Sc.
The University of Hong Kong, Ph. D.
Yunnan University, Lecturer
主讲课程/Course :
Geology and Geomorphology
2019年 第二届全国大学青年教师地质课程教学比赛二等奖
2018年 第四届全国高校青年教师教学竞赛三等奖
2017年 太阳成集团第十一届教师课堂教学比赛一等奖
2017年 太阳成集团资源环境与太阳集团7237网站教师课堂教学比赛一等奖
主要发表论文/ Publications:
1. Min Tang; Yi-Liang Li*. A Complex Assemblage of Crystal Habits of Pyrite in the Volcanic Hot Springs from Kamchatka, Russia: Implications for the Mineral Signature of Life on Mars. Crystals 2020, 10, 535; doi:10.3390/cryst10060535.
2. Min Tang; Anouk Ehreiser; Yi-Liang Li*. Gypsum in modern Kamchatka volcanic hot springs and the Lower Cambrian black shale: Applied to the microbial-mediated precipitation of sulfates on Mars. American Mineralogist 2014, 99: 2126-2137.
3. Yi-Liang Li*; Min Tang. Microbial Mediated Mineralization in Kamchatka Hot Springs. Acta Geologica Sinica 2014, 88(s1).
4. Zong, Yongqiang*; Zheng, Zhuo; Huang, Kangyou; Sun, Yiying; Wang, Ning; Tang, Min; Huang, Guangqing. Changes in sea level, water salinity and wetland habitat linked to the late agricultural development in the Pearl River delta plain of China. Quaternary Science Reviews 2013, 70: 145-157.
5. Zong, Yongqiang*; Huang, Kangyou; Yu, Fengling; Zheng, Zhuo; Switzer, Adam; Huang, Guangqing; Wang, Ning; Tang, Min. The role of sea-level rise, monsoonal discharge and the palaeo-landscape in the early Holocene evolution of the Pearl River delta, southern China. Quaternary Science Reviews 2012, 54: 77-88.
6. Shouye Yang*; Tang, Min; Yim, W-S; Zong, Y. Q; Huang, G. Q; Switzer, A. D; Saito, Y. Burial of organic carbon in Holocene sediments of the Zhujiang (Pearl River) and Changjiang (Yangtze River) estuaries. Marine Chemistry 2011, 123(1-4): 1-10.
7. 窦衍光; 杨守业*; 唐珉; 刘振夏; 余华.冲绳海槽中部28ka以来陆源物质输入和古环境演化的生源组分记录. 第四纪研究 2011, (02): 236-243.
8. 杨守业*; 韦刚健; 夏小平; 孙敏; 唐珉.长江口晚新生代沉积物的物源研究:REE和Nd同位素制约.第四纪研究 2007, (03): 339-346.
9. 唐珉; 杨守业*; 李保华; 李从先; 王强; 赵泉鸿.长江三角洲冰后期沉积物的有机碳氮和有机碳同位素组成与古环境指示.海洋地质与第四纪地质 2006, 26(5): 1-10.