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来源:资源环境与太阳集团7237网站 | 作者:胡家富 | 发布日期:2017-03-13 01:31:00 

胡 家 富士,教授 / 士生导师

工作单位:太阳成集团, 太阳集团7237网站 650091

E-mail: jfhu@ynu.edu.cn


  教育工作经历   • 1991-至今, 太阳成集团, 教师
• 1982-1986, 太阳成集团, 地球物理, 本科
• 1986-1989, 中国科学院地球物理所, 地球物理, 硕士
  承担课程   • 本科生课程: 地震学, 计算方法,数字信号处理,Fortran 77 程序设计
• 研究生课程: 高等地震学
  研究兴趣   面波及其反演、接收函数及其反演
  主持科研项目   • 2018-2021, 国家自然科学基金/面上, 基于各向异性研究云南及周边地区的壳幔变形和动力学背景
• 2014-2017, 国家自然科学基金/面上, 川滇地区地壳特征与演变模式的研究
• 2009-2013, 国家自然科学基金/重点, 川滇地区壳幔变形特征与动力学背景研究
• 2007-2009, 国家自然科学基金/面上, 缅甸弧造山带下方的倾斜板块会取聚过程研究
• 2003-2005, 国家自然科学基金/面上, 云南及周边地区壳幔结构及深层动力过程

[1] Hengchu Peng, Jose Badal, Jiafu Hu*, Haiyan Yang and Benyu Liu,2021. Lithospheric dynamics in the vicinity of the Tengchong volcanic field (southeastern margin of Tibet): an investigation using P receiver functions, Geophys. J. Int. 224, 1326–1343,http:// doi: 10.1093/gji/ggaa517

[2] Haiyan Yang, José Badal, Jiafu Hu*, Henchu Peng, 2019. Disaggregated anisotropy and deformation style of the upper and lower crust in the southeastern Tibetan plateau, Journal of Asian Earth Science 184 (2019) 10399:1-12, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jseaes.2019.103999

[3] Liming Wen, Jiafu Hu*, José Badal, 2019. Anisotropic H-k stacking and (revisited) crustal structure in the southeastern margin of Tibet. Journal of Asian Earth Science 169, 93-104.

[4] 李建有,石宝文,徐晓雅,胡家富*,2018. 利用远震接收函数探测四川盆地及周边地区的地壳结构.地球物理学报,61(7):2719-2735.

[5] Jiafu Hu*, José Badal, Haiyan Yang, Guangquan Li , Hengchu Peng,2018. Comprehensive crustal structure and seismological evidence for lower crustal flow in the southeastern margin of Tibet revealed by receiver functions. Gondwana Research 55 ,42–59

[6] 韩明,李建有, 徐晓雅, 胡家富*,2017. 按方位叠加接收函数分析青藏高原东南缘的地壳各向异性,地球物理学报,60(12):4537-4556.

[7] 韩明,徐晓雅,李建有,胡家富*.2017. 分析P、S波接收函数得到的云南岩石圈结构.地球物理学进展,32(6):2331-2340,doi:10.6038/pg20170607.

[8] Peng Hengchua, Yang Haiyan, Jiafu Hu*, José Badal, 2017. Three-dimensional S-velocity structure of the crust in the southeast margin of the Tibetan plateau and geodynamic implications. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences 148,210–222

[9] 薛明, 王苏, 徐晓雅, 胡家富*. 云南地区的地幔过渡带结构及其动力学意义. 科学通报, 2017, 62: 1752–1765

[10] Yang Haiyan, Hengchu Peng, Jiafu Hu* 2017.The lithospheric structure beneath southeast Tibet revealed by P and S receiver functions. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences,138:62-71

[11] Jiafu Hu, Haiyan Yang, Guangquan Li, A review on the analysis of the crustal and upper mantle structure using receiver functions. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences,2015,111:589–603.

[12] 王苏,徐晓雅,胡家富*,2015.青藏高原东南缘的地壳结构与动力学模式研究综述,地球物理学报,58(11),doi:10.6038/cjg20151101

[13] Jiafu Hu, Haiyan Yang et al., 2015. Seismic upper mantle discontinuities beneath Southeast Tibet and geodynamic implications. Gondwana Research, 28:1032-1047

[14] Yang, H., Hu, J., Hu, Y., Duan, Y. and Li, G. Crustal structure in the Tengchong volcanic area and position of the magma chambers. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences ,2013, 73, 48–56

[15] Hu, J.,Yang, H., Li,G. and Wen, L. Seismic signature of the mantle transition zone beneath eastern Tibet and Sichuan Basin. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences,2013,62.606-615

[16] Hu Jiafu, Yang Haiyan, Xu Xingqian, Wen Limin, Li Guangquan. Lithospheric structure and crust-mantle decoupling in the southeast edge of the Tibetan Plateau, Gondwana Research ,2012,22:1060-1067,doi: 10.1016/j.gr.2012.01.003

[17] 彭恒初,胡家富*,杨海燕等.接收函数反演地壳S波速度结构的有效约束方法.地球物理学报,2012,55(4):1168~1178,doi:10.6038/j/issn.0001-5733.2012.04.013

[18] Peng Hengchu, Hu Jiafu et al., An effective technique to constrain nonuniqueness of receiver function inversion, Chinese J. of Geophysics, 2012,,55(2):194-205

[19] 陈佳,胡家富*,等,利用面波研究云南地区壳幔S波品质因子结构,中国科学-地球科学,2012,42(3):320~330

[20] Hu Jiafu, Xingqian Xu, Haiyan Yang, et al. S receiver function analysis of the crustal and lithospheric structures beneath eastern Tibet. Earth Planet. Sci. Lett. 2011,306:77-85

[21] 张晓曼,胡家富*,胡毅力,杨海燕等. 云南壳幔S波速度结构与强震的构造背景,地球物理学报,2011,54(5):1222-1232

[22] Zhang xiaoman, Hu jiafu*, Hu yili, Yang Haiyan, et al. Structure of S-wave velocity in the crust-upper mantle and tectonic setting of strong earthquakes beneath Yunnan. Chinese J. of Geophy., 2011,54(3):240-252

[23] Yang Haiyan, Hu Jiafu*, Li Guangquan, et al. Analysis of the crustal thickness and Poisson’s ratio in eastern Tibet from teleseismic receiver functions. Geophys. J. Int. 2011, 186:1380-1388 doi:10.1111/j.1365-246X.2011.05118.X

[24] Chen J., Hu J.F*., Yang H.Y., et al. S-wave Q structure of the crust and upper mantle beneath Yunnan from surface waves. Sci China Earth Sci, 2012,55,doi:10.1007/s11430-011-4343-6

[25] Li Guangquan,Hu Jiafu*, et al. Lg coda Q variation across the Myanmar Arc and its neighboring regions. Pure App. Geophys.,2009,DOI 10.1007/s00024-009-0459-4

[26] Hu Jiafu, Yang Haiyan and Zhao Hong. Structure and Significance of S-wave velocity and Poisson’s ratio in crust beneath the eastern side of the Qinghai-Tibet plateau, Pure and Applied Geophysics, 2008,165:829-845

[27] 胡家富,胡毅力,夏静瑜等,缅甸弧及邻区的壳幔S波速度结构与动力学过程,地球物理学报,2008,51(1):140-148

[28] Hu J. F.,Hu Y. L. and Xia J.Y. et al. Crust-mantle velocity structure of S wave and dynamic process beneath Burma Arc and its adjacent regions, Chinese J. of Geophy.,2008,51(1):105-114

[29] 杨海燕,胡家富*,赵宏,川西地区的壳幔结构与汶川Ms8.0级地震的孕震背景,地球物理学报,2009,52(2):356-364

[30] Yang Haiyan, Hu Jiafu*, et al. Crust-mantle structure and seismogenic background of wenchuan MS8.0 earthquake in western Sichuan area., Chinese J. of Geopys., 2009,52(1):120-129

[31] 胡家富,朱雄关,夏静瑜等,利用面波和接收函数联合反演滇西地区壳幔速度结构,地球物理学报,2005,48(5):1069-1076.

[32] Hu Jiafu, Zhu Xiongguan, Xia Jingyu et al. Using surface wave and receiver function to jointly inverse the crust-mantle velocity structure in the west Yunnan area. Chinese J. of geophysics,2005,48(5):1148-1155

[33] 胡家富,朱雄关,夏静瑜,接收函数与云南的地壳S波速度结构,见:张中杰、高锐、吕庆田等主编,“中国大陆地球深部结构与动力学研究”,北京:科学出版社,2004。295-304

[34] Hu Jiafu,Su Youjin Zhu Xiongguan,et al. S wave velocity and Poisson’s structure of crust in Yunnan and its implication. Science in China Ser. D,2005,48(2):210-218.

[35] 胡家富,苏有锦,朱雄关等.云南的地壳S波速度与泊松比结构及其意义.中国科学,D辑,2003,33(8):714-722.

[36] 胡家富,丛连理,苏有锦等, 云南及周边地区Lg尾波Q值的分布特征. 地球物理学报,2003,46(6):809-813.

[37] Hu Jiafu,Cong Lianli,Su Youjin, et al. Distribution characteristcis of Lg coda Q in Yunnan and its adjacent regions. Chinese J. of geophysics,2003,46(6):1157-1164.

[38] 胡家富,温一波,谢应齐.利用地震面波频散反演岩石圈结构的奇异值分解算法.地球物理学报,1998,41(2):211-217.

[39] 胡家富,段永康,胡毅力.利用多道信号测定短周期面波频散.地球物理学报,1998,41(增刊):298-304.

[40] Hu Jiafu et al.Singular Value Decomposition Method of Inversing Lithospheric Structure From Dispersion of Surface Waves. ACTA GEOPHYSICA SINICA,1998,41(1):119-127.

[41] 胡家富,段永康,胡毅力.利用面波测定台间衰减系数.西北地震学报,1999,(2):172-177.

[42] 胡家富,段永康,胡毅力等.利用Rayleigh波反演浅土层的剪切波速度结构.地球物理学报,1999,42(3):393-400.

[43] 胡家富,苏有锦.利用面波估计浅土层的品质因子.地震学报.1999,21(3):433-438.

[44] 胡家富.Rayleigh波在工程勘察中的解释方法探讨.岩土工程学报,1999,21(5):599-602.

[45] 胡家富.数字地震仪(或雷达)的文件格式及其转换方法. 地震地磁观测与研究,1999,20(3).

[46] Hu Jiafu,Su Youjin.Estimation of Quality Factor in Shallow Soil From Surface Waves.ACTA SEISMOLOGICAL SINICA,1999,21(3):481-487.

[47] Hu Jiafu et al.Inversion of Shear-Wave Veolocity Structure in Shoallow Soil From Rayleigh Wave. ACTA GEOPHYSICA SINICA,1999,42(3):351-359.

[48] 胡家富,段永康等,爆破振动影响测试方法,地震地磁观测与研究,2000,21(2)

[49] 胡家富,段永康等,影响面波勘探精度的因素探讨,地震研究,2000,23(3):331-338

[50] 胡家富,段永康等,用基阶面波反演地壳上地幔的品质因子结构,地震研究,2000,23.(3):318-323.

[51] 胡家富,庄真,CT技术及其在地球物理中的应用,物化探计算术,1987,NO.3

[52] 胡家富,庄真,滕吉文,中长周期数字化面波记录与中国东南地区的地壳结构,地球物理学报, 1992,No.5.


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